
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Bits of My Weekend: Volume 8

What a glorious weekend, in every sense of the word... glorious to have family visiting, and glorious in weather! Lovely lovely.

Lovely Lucy and her adorable grin.

Sweet Maizy enjoying the hot tub!

Kim brought me another bunny to keep my carrot bunny company. Am I a bunny nut? Perhaps. No apologies there. Does the table still look set for Easter? So shoot me.

One of our orchids eeking out a bloom... I think I need to fertilize more; the first year there were three blooms, the second year only two... now we're down to one. Still one very beautiful bloom.

Ruby out for a trot.

So on Saturday afternoon there was a party... a surprise party for an uncle, turning 80. A very fit, active and healthy 80! It was fun to pull off the surprise with my cousin Doug and his wife Suzan, for Uncle Merritt and Aunt Dolores.

Aunt Dolores and Mom catching up. 

Mom, Kim and I, posing dutifully.

Apparently it takes a village to light 80 candles! I only scorched a few fingertips...

Uncle Merritt enjoying the bounty of three cakes!

Mom (and Dad, taking pictures) out for a walk.

 Pedicures for the ladies on Sunday morning. Nothing like warm sun on your feet! (And Maizy even got a flower on her big toes!)

And there was food too.. Lots and lots of food. But I am going to save those pictures for actual food posts, so stay tuned. I know I tease sometimes and never come back to the food once it's in our bellies and gone, but this time I swear it's different. Really.

And many thanks to Ma and Pa for letting me scam your photo cards. Very helpful! 


  1. It was a delight...thank you, dear girl.

  2. Great picture of Ruby. What a beautiful dog.

  3. It appeared to me that the bloom on the orchid had a second one wanting to come along...

  4. Your post made me miss the South. (Is that where you are? It appears to be.) Your table setting is beautiful, by the way. What a fun party for your uncle!

  5. Sounds so wonderful!! Hope to have a nice tea with you and Kim sometime.

  6. What a lovely weekend! My favorite is the one of your uncle with THREE cakes. That is just too precious. Three cakes on your birthday means you have a lot of love in your life:-)

  7. I love that you had to have 3 cakes for all the candles!@!!

  8. Sweet memories. Thank you so much! Love the photography ;-)

  9. heartwarming post & pretty toes!
    (i love bunnies too, & children's shining faces...). all lovely! x

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Dayna--Not the south, though I'm sure it's the Sweet Tea that made you think that? I see a lot of southern bloggers use that term... I was raised in Canada, where iced tea always comes sweetened too! We're actually in Washington State.

    It was a grand weekend and the house is sooooo quiet today. Thanks for stopping by, all.
