
Monday, April 12, 2010

Bits of My Weekend: Volume 7

Our weekends end up looking really similar around here... a little rest, a little work, a lot of pastoral settings... I suppose there's some good to be had in the routines...

Such pretty lilacs... I'm always so glad to see them blooming!

It was so cold Saturday morning that the pasture irrigation
was freezing on the fence, and on the grass. Very pretty.

As it warmed up, the icy bits fell off the fence...

It took until after noon for it to finally all melt away.

Sunday morning it was time to say goodbye to the overgrown
bush/tree/monstrosity by the front door.

A little chainsaw action by husband to get the branches off...

Piled high to take out to the burn pile. I'm ready for some burnin'.

Now the yanking starts.

Soon (well, with a little more chainsaw action on the roots), it was up and outta there.
That stump did not want to leave. Almost 20 years of putting down roots will do that to you!

No more bush/tree/monstrosity. 
Now, what should we put in to clutter the view?

Done with the yard work, time to finish off the rhubarb crisp!

And to top the day off, a little golf watching, a little cheering,
a little lump in the throat for a family celebrating a victory!

For other Bits of My Weekend, go here.


  1. Your house is pretty!! :) Looks like you had a productive weekend!

  2. wow - good work on the shrub - I am assuming that due to the time compression glimpse that there was a lot of energy expended to remove the root.
    It looks great in front with it gone.
    p.s. very jealous of the first picture!

  3. & i am a lilac freak! i can smell them from here (in my heart!)...we won't see those in mn until may!
    & then there's rhubard crisp.
    such delights are right in your grasp. xo

  4. I love lilacs, too! And I really like the after shot when you removed that shrub. It really opens up the beautiful yard and gorgeous home!

  5. Lilacs are my favorite flowers...and they're blooming early here this year! Care to share your rhubarb crisp recipe?
