
Monday, April 5, 2010

Bits of My Weekend: Volume 6

Left the peace of the ocean behind...

Got a little fuel for the road at Camp 18.

And hit the road home!

Jack doesn't let on, but he was very happy to see us!

Lots of new blooms out to greet our return.

And a peace of a different kind...

Easter morning, eggs and moss...

Bunny carrot or Carrot bunny? Who knows? Odd, and yet it still appeals to me...

Gerberas to celebrate.

My favorite child Peep!

A few took refuge among the cookbooks, but they weren't safe for long...

A lovely weekend, but now back to reality. School. Work. Chores. Errands. Life is good.

For more Bits of My Weekend, or to play along, go here.


  1. Love the pup, the flowers, the bunnies, and the boy. :) Glad you're home safe... and I hope you're ready to hit the road again! See you tomorrow! xoxo

  2. love the coffee, water & tabasco and the peeps among the books :-)

  3. I love the pictures!! I was at my parents this weekend and their internet wasn't working well, so I wasn't able to send back a virtual Easter basket. :( I really wanted to, that was such a neat idea! I hope you and your family had a wonderful weekend!! :)

  4. Rachel, no worries! I'll catch you for a play-along next time. And I know of the slow internet at the parents... always frustrating when you're used to speed, no?!
