
Monday, February 1, 2010

Welcome to Love Month!

Love. That's how I feel about this artist I discovered recently. I have a soft spot for color and words together, especially when the words are inspirational. That really surprises you, doesn't it? The piece above is a perfect transition from one month to another... January is over and gone. That feels really good to say out loud, given how gray and long it seemed. And here we are at February, which will pass in a flash, I know, with everything that's on tap. And hopefully contain a wee bit more sunshine? We can always hope, right?!

Before it all whooshes by, here are some lovelies to kick off this month of love!

From paperfinger, a bunch of pretty cool stamps. Check them out.

From Make Something Happy, a beautiful vintage locket or two. Sweet.

A little DYI for a recessionary V-day, from How About Orange! A good one for the kiddos and you, together.

And of course, the choices at etsy are endless!

Red heart pins from The June Bride shop.

A sweet cupid hear lariat from Bbel's shop. I'm hankering for this one, especially.

Beautiful carved heart from Dean's Woodshop.

Lovely letterpress from Sweet Harvey's shop.

Sweet little crochet patterns for the kiddos, from anapaulaoli's shop.

And for a sweet pal, from aPassionforFashion's shop.

And because we just can't live without a few Valentine goodies from the kitchen...

Beet ravioli from Dirty Kitchen Secrets

Cake balls from Spork or Foon... originally billed as Christmas cake balls, but would easily do double duty for Valentine's too!

And a true original for lovers everywhere: coeur a la creme.

This one solves two food issues (for me!) at once: chocolate AND cupcakes. Nice. From

And last but not least, the basic, beautiful, sugar cookie. I have collected a few promising-looking recipes to taste test for my pick this year! (This pic is from sugarcoatedkitchen. That sounds like my kitchen some days!)

I hope these lovelies have inspired you! I know they have done the desired trick for me... I'm ready to get rolling on a little V-day crafty-kitchen action. Happy February!


  1. OMG!!! Drool and yum. What beautiful things. Thanks for sharing. :)

  2. This list will keep me busy all week finding treasures. What a treat to always open your blog...this was truly a feast for my heart and eyes.
