
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Bits of My Weekend: Volume 1

Michelle at Six in the City has started a new tradition over at her blog that I thought I'd hook up with... a photo essay of the weekend. What a great incentive to take more pictures! And it is... but I need to take even more!

Here's my first Bits of My Weekend (and it was a lovely weekend! Did anyone hear my heart stop during the Canada-USA hockey game. Cuz it stopped there for a minute or two!):


For more info on Bits of my Weekend, check it out here.


  1. Loved the dog picture and getting a peek into your weekend! I'm so glad you participated!

  2. sher! you are taking such great pictures. love them all.

  3. Awesome pictures! I LOVE the big sky in the top one. I can smell the fresh air :)

  4. Thanks, all. I am loving playing with my camera... it's more camera than I deserve and I need some serious tutorial time! But it's fun to take pictures and sunshine always helps make them better!
