
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A little word-ish inspiration for your Tuesday

T he wind blew through here last night, so while normally I might complain about the wind and the noise and bluster, today I just can't--it blew the fog away. I am very happy that the gray ceiling got moved a bit higher. I can see mountains and trees and everything! Much appreciated, wind. Thanks for doing your job.

My newest favorite thing to listen to is The Writer's Almanac on American Public Media, hosted by Garrison Keillor. There's a poem every day, and a biography of an author. You can get the email sent to you every day, and I do, but then I like to click on the "play" and have Mr. Keillor read it to me (you can also subscribe to it via iTunes!). I love his voice, very soothing. He could read me to sleep any night.

I highly recommend it as a little spot of "different" in your day.

And the motto of the show? Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.® Can't hope for much better than that.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for that. Have I told me my little, very little, Garrison Keillor story? I found his email and wrote him to ask if he would be our guest speaker at our Habitat for Humanity Golf Tournament. And he wrote back such a lovely note that I forgave his 'no'. It was fun making that contact though.

    I just signed up for a few newsletters!
