
Friday, January 29, 2010

Friday night grateful moment

This week the list is long. Maybe because it's been a long week? Possibly. A mixed week. Some good--very good--and some not so good.

But always with the grateful...

* I am grateful to be a mom. And to be a mom to such an amazing son. Blessed. This video has been bouncing around the internet this week and I really enjoyed it. I think other moms can relate...

* I'm thankful for my spouse, so very much; that he's feeling better and better from that rotten cold. (I'm also grateful that I haven't succumbed to the cold, and knock on wood, won't get it this time around. I've been feeling a bit sore-throaty and puny today, but I've been dosing up my Cs and such, so keep your fingers crossed for me.)

* I'm thankful that Ma and Pa are safely in a warm place. If I can't be somewhere warm, my loved ones should be, right?

* I'm thankful that so many people I know took time this week to reach out to those around them and make sure they knew they were loved. When something sad happens, the pause can cause ripples far beyond the original act, and I'm hopeful something good will come of such great sorrow.

* I'm thankful for out-of-the-box thinking. Take a look at these art installations I found this week at a fun website, Those are strawberries falling on a bird? Wild. There are other strangely beautiful art pieces too... check it out.

* I'm thankful for sweet babies to remind us that we all start somewhere. And it's usually somewhere pretty special. And it reminds me that there's a sweet (and fast-growing) baby that I need to go visit again soon!

* I am thankful for humor and laughter and the ability for us to laugh at ourselves. I really do try for that last part, most days. There are moments when I can be a dour, humorless wench (I know, shocking!)--but I do try to keep those moments to a minimum. As this whole thing with Conan and Leno has intrigued me, I couldn't help but tune in briefly to watch Jay and Oprah chat about it the other day. Such serious business, this late-night talk show stuff. Puhleeze. I think Jimmy Kimmel says it best in his clip below.

Don't you just love the Mad Men style art? Clever.

* I'm thankful for the opportunity to be a part of a community where volunteering is such a big part of the community's culture. I enjoy my time with fellow volunteers very much and have made some great friends among the groups I participate in. Next time we meet, folks, I'm bringin' cake. (Yes, courtesy of our friends at!)

* I'm thankful for hot lemon and honey.

* I'm thankful for popcorn and apples.

* I'm thankful for sleep.

* I'm thankful for friendship. For shared challenges and concerns, for listening and talking, for support and for cheerleading, whatever the day/week/month holds...

* I'm grateful the fog has cleared (for the moment), and while it's still gray, it's not sitting on our heads quite so claustrophobically.

* I'm thankful for straight talk. That in a world where so often it's all about posing and positioning and aligning and adjusting, I appreciate the people who are straight, who tell it like it is (kindly, please) and operate from the place where we're all eating at the grown-up's table now. Refreshing.

* I am thankful for pretty things. How about this cupcake holder? Sweetest thing ever.

* Thankful for the weekend. For peace and quiet and relaxation. Hope yours holds much of the same.


  1. Cannot begin to say how much these grateful posts mean to me. It's a funny thing, too, because it's not *my* list. But there is something profoundly positive about sharing our feelings of gratitude. Without fail, I feel happier and more peaceful after reading these posts.

  2. What a wonderful grateful list! I agree with Kim. Also, thank you for the great links. I especially like the pottery one, such beautiful things!

  3. Wonderful blessing gratitude soothes the soul for sure!

  4. Honestly I have not been soothes the soul...
