
Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday night grateful moment

R eady for rest. That's the motto for the two old occupants of our house right now. Tiredness has descended... we are whipped. Luckily, rest and relaxation are exactly what's on tap this weekend.

But before the rest, some gratitude.

For one day of sunshine. Well, maybe like two-thirds of a day? That's probably more accurate. But it was lovely lovely.

For color in an otherwise mostly gray week. Butterfly cupcakes? In rainbow colors? How marvelous! Found these on a fun food blog and they just brightened my day. Take a look at the instructions--not too difficult, it seems... now I just need a little girl to make them for! I don't anticipate Seth asking for these at his next birthday... Ha.

For a reminder of my Grandma, through her dish cloths. I framed these last summer but don't think I've shared them here. My Grandma makes these all the time, and when I visit, there are usually a couple of new ones for me to take home. Recently she made noises about not making them anymore, so I took my most recent batches and framed them. I love how they brighten my kitchen wall. A blogger I've recently been following, Swistle, made a cloth this week and posted about it, and even though I walk past them at least a dozen times a day, it made me take another look at Grandma's colorful cloths. And be thankful for them.

Good folks to work with, good cause to work towards. In the throes of another fundraising luncheon--seems like a blink since last year--and enjoying working with the group again. Fun times, and really heart-warming the extent (so far!) that our community has stepped up to help with sponsorship/tables, etc. Looks like our room will be full of people who care about kids--how great is that?
For a sense of humor. I got a lot of laughs this week from the silliness at NBC and the hoo-ha over what to do with Jay Leno and Conan... Ah well. Such important things to consider in this otherwise rather somber time. Mostly the fun came from people twittering (or is that tweeting?) and facebooking and blogging about it. Oh, and Conan's letter to the People of Earth. I don't watch either Leno or Conan (I can't stay up that late and the dvr is full of other things I'd rather watch AND if I was going to watch--I'd watch Craig Ferguson anyway) so I can't pretend there's any real loyalty one way or the other, but I have come away with a bit more respect for the redhead. Related, but not completely, here's Jimmy Kimmel talking with Leno. I like Jimmy too... he is good at sticking it to Leno, just a bit!

Speaking of that otherwise somber week... grateful for those who survived the earthquake in Haiti, for those that have mobilized to help with the rescue effort and for the power of things like "Text HAITI to 90999 and send $10 to the relief effort." You know how much that one little phrase has rasied so far? $3 million for the Red Cross alone. Amazing.

For the folks of the blogosphere; the ones I enjoy reading, anyway! I have enjoyed Gwen Bell's ideas for awhile now (her blog title is Big Love in a Small World--major social media lady, she), and she started another blog at the new year: The Mindfulist. Good, simple ideas to improve your life and actually disconnect you from this darn addicting medium every once in awhile. The quote for the day at the Mindfulist: “Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.” --Charles Dickens.

For coffee, and coffee dates. Had a few of those this week. Some work-ish, some play-ish. All good. And coffee, though I am mocked by the men of this house for my love... I just can't help it. Love love love.


For creativity. Take a look at that Starry Night cake! Makes the rainbow cake look kind of easy and pitiful, doesn't it? Though, husband seemed a little so-what on it--I think taking a bit of a bright blue cake isn't high on his list of must-have desserts. I just love the thought that went into it--how easy would it have been to just make a sheet cake with the starry night portrayed. But no, this cake artist wanted layers! Very fun.

Grateful for my family, near and far. I'm thankful that there is mostly wellness, and mostly blessings. But even among the blessings there are pains and sorrows of course, as with any family. We pray every night that God will hold all of you in his hand and bring you comfort. We all need that, the comfort.

Thankful for fun music. Jen sent me a new music idea today and I checked it out immediately, of course. And had to share it with you all too. The video is fun--it reminds me of being 15 and making those posters of all my favorite things and hanging them in my room... lots of glue and dreams.

Happy weekend. May you truly feel the blessings of rest.


  1. I *heart* Friday grateful moments! And I love how you framed your grandma's washcloths! My grandma made potholders. I have a pair but am terrified to use them and get them dirty - she's gone and no one can figure out how she made the lovely little suckers. Tatting? Freakishly small crochet? It is a mystery. But now I might steal your framing idea so I can enjoy them and think of her. Thanks.

  2. I love the idea of framing your Grandma's work, and they do look wonderful!

    That cake is a masterpiece.
