
Friday, January 1, 2010

Friday night grateful moment

My heart is very full as this rather peaceful holiday time comes to a close. All the hectic craziness of December seems almost a distant memory. Yeah for that!

This week especially I'm grateful for:
*A little extra time at home with husband. That's a pretty rare thing. I loved it. A girl could get used to that kind of attention. We've seen movies, gone out to lunch, hung out reading and swapping odd news stories... Oh wait, that would just be me, inflicting odd news stories on him (I love them... the odder the better!)... but still, very relaxing!

*Snow. I like that we were graced with a quick visit. I was a giddy little girl around about 9:45 on Tuesday night when the flakes were coming down thick and fast. I am also OK that it is going away too... it's a muddy mess out there right now, but it will all dry up pretty quickly and we'll be back to browns and grays until the next snowfall. (Side note: Right now there is more snow on the valley floor than there is on the hills, and it's kinda weird. I don't remember ever seeing it that way before... but maybe I haven't been paying attention?)

*New years. New years are right up there with birthdays, blank books to write in, and first days of school. Fresh starts. My pencils are sharpened! It's all new and clean and shiny--especially THIS morning. Blinding.

*Our morning breakfast shake. I don't mention this one enough. It is truly the answer to my mornings, and I can't believe we're going on more than two years with this gem--longer for husband...  took me awhile to get on the breakfast shake train. I love it.

*My computer. Something else I take for granted and don't give thanks for enough. Me and my multiple tabs open, flipping back and forth between watching something on Netflix, blogging, browsing through my saved feeds... it's an ADHD gal's dream. And that it's green? Wow. Icing on the cake.

*Inspiration and creativity. Found some really cool pendants (above) on the blog Just Something I Made, and got all jazzed and inspired. Yeah, because I need another project in the basement, right, honey? Sigh. Maybe I'll just appreciate that someone somewhere made them, and get to it when the pile of quilting pieces diminishes. But I do love seeing what people are up to around the web, like at OliveJuice & Company (that's where I found those cute velvet posh squash below!), chookooloonks (amazing photography!) and desire to inspire (where that fabulous and colorful Christmas chandelier below came from).

*My gratefulness would not be complete without music. I am ever grateful for songs, even the ones that get stuck in there and won't come out! (I try to have those be the good ones, of course.) Yesterday it was "Auld Lang Syne," and today it has been the "I Gotta Feeling" song from the Oprah season kick off in 2009. Since I'm not a real Oprah viewer anymore, I hadn't seen the episode until my sister-in-law, Kim, showed it to me on YouTube. I swear I thought that girl out front was a freak for the first minute or so, until the rest of the crowd joined in. Ha ha. Now when I watch it, I look at the crowd and think how still they are and how hard it must have been to hold quiet until it was their turn to let loose. How fun! That would have been a blast to be a part of...

Happy New Year! And happy weekend too! May yours be blessed.


  1. Love your blog! So inspirational and real. I'll be back for sure!
    Happy New Year!

  2. Thanks, Six. I like your blog too!
