
Friday, January 1, 2010

Fancy schmancy kick off to 2010!

H ave a gander at that beautiful, fun H over there! I found a free and creative idea at a website called Daily Drop Cap. A graphic designer makes unique drop caps available for bloggers to use to beautify their blogs. And I intend to.

I just couldn't resist posting a special note about the fun of the drop caps, and how much I've been looking forward to using them. I know, it's the little things. But it helps in starting off a new year "just so."

Happy 2010 everyone; I'm looking forward to the year ahead bringing challenges and opportunities, joy and sorrow, laughter and tears. Yup, the whole gamut. It's going to happen, so we might as well just strap in for a fabulous ride!

1 comment:

  1. Me lovey! Might need to steal this.

    Happy New Year my dear friend! I hope to see you several times this year on some fun meet ups somewhere.
