
Friday, December 4, 2009

Friday night grateful moment

Oh dear, it's been one of THOSE weeks again, when I look at the blog and reflect that while things certainly have happened since last Friday night, the translation of that activity that to "paper," alas, has not transpired. Sigh.

Still, grateful list on tap, many things to be thankful for:
* So grateful for a weekend, though there are many things to be done, not the least to clean up the tumbleweed-strewn yard (even though it's supposed to be pathetically cold out) and get the final touches on the tree. Rest will happen, and then work will happen. I swear it.

* Grateful we had extra scheduled time with the young lad Seth this week. It was a joy, even the homework hounding part.

* Seth had a band concert last night (no, I'm not grateful for THAT) and got to play his new (to him) trumpet and had a blast. He really enjoyed being able to provide inspiration to the 5th and 6th graders who watched the jazz band with wide eyes. That was him last year! And I'm grateful he's such a thankful kid for his newish shiny trumpet. It's a pretty one.

* I'm thankful for girlfriends and pierogies. A couple of my Canadian gal pals and I have a seven-year tradition of making pierogies and we spontaneously decided that THIS was the week--we usually do it sometime around the holidays. We made some lovely dumplings that I will post later this weekend. And my tummy is currently happily full with them too. Oh joy.

* I'm thankful for girlfriends and music. I did one of our bi-monthly swaps today with a couple of friends and it was happy, happy, happy. I have some fun new tunes (Christmas and otherwise) to explore. And it's always wonderful to catch up with the music-bearers, as well. Wonderful women to have in my life.

Remember these guys from last year? Here's their latest fun song, "The Christmas Can-Can."

* Took a quick jaunt over to TriCities with a good friend this week--I went to get all full-up on Christmas baking supplies for company events and my own little gifting indulgences, and she went to get a leg-up on holiday shopping. We both accomplished most of what we wanted to, and spent more time than we should have at TJ Maxx as well... well, a girl's gotta get a little Christmas for her too, don't you think? I'm grateful for our conversation (which is always interesting!), our PF Chang's lunch, and our efficient shopping methods!

Check out these wonderful cookie cutters I saw this week on a fun style blog I follow:

* Grateful for my dear friend Jen, who started chemotherapy this week, that she is surrounded by love and support and more friends (funny ones too) than you can shake a stick at. It's a good thing, and I know it will help sustain her through many a long chemo treatment.

* Thankful for carmel corn. Even though my sweet tooth is being a bit of a Mr. Grinch lately--I look at all my Christmas recipes and just say "meh" to most of them--there is nothing that gets me quite as happy as a bag of Bright's carmel corn, or Harry and David's moose munch, or... homemade! And the holiday gift baskets have started arriving at work, so I'm looking forward to the ones that make the cut to take the trip home--most end up being munched on at work...

* Grateful for my husband and our quiet weekend plans tomorrow. I am hoping to see snow! Maybe even touch snow!

* Grateful for all the fun and pretty things that make this season special. All the Christmas lights, all the "candles" in the windows, all the fun decorations and music. It's fluff and not central to what makes Christmas special to me, but it certainly is frosting on the cake!

And in case you haven't heard this lately, I think Linus says it pretty well:

Don't you just want to give him a big hug? That voice...

Peace to all on this very wintery weekend. Stay warm!

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes, Moose Munch, that is so tasty. That reminds me...I must hit the chocolate shop in Big Town this coming week for their version of Moose Munch.

    Thank you for your grateful moments. What a joy to read.
    Thank you for Linus...and of course the Christmas Can Can...and all things good.
