
Friday, September 4, 2009

Friday night grateful moment

What a great week. We are in those gorgeous end-of-summer days that I'd love to see stick around until Thanksgiving...

On this list this Friday night:
*Health. Spent yesterday taking a friend/co-worker to a post-surgery appointment and thus, quite a few hours in a hospital setting. Nothing quite like seeing illness up-close and personal to make one really grateful for good health. Not something I take for granted. And good doctors too--they really help make those tough situations better. I was reminded of my past thyroid situation yesterday and remembered my surgeon with appreciation. He listened and supported me at a time when I really needed it and I'll always remember that fondly.

*The fair. Seth and I spent quite a bit of today at the local fair. Technically, the Walla Walla Fair and Frontier Days. It was Kids Day, which meant the place was crawling with creatures between 2 and 20 (more or less), and their parents. Seth met up with a buddy or two and that gave me a happy reprieve from the rides (I've long since decided those are not for me but would have grudgingly gone with him if needed). He had a great time socializing, and showed up at all of our meeting points when he said he would (not that I had my doubts...). We indulged in some fair food--I actually found some decent hummus at a gyros wagon, Seth got the inevitable curly fries, cotton candy and elephant ear, which I nibbled on as well. Good times. It was a blissfully mellow day, heat-wise, and not too crowded. A day to look back on later with fondness for all things Walla Walla.
Doesn't that just yell "Country Fair!" All the canned goods, lined up so pretty. When someone suggested I enter my apricot jam this year, I thought, oh, they do that? And sure enough, they do! Maybe next year.

Check out those cookies! I wouldn't mind being a judge for that section... maybe next year!

Saw an acquaintance in the quilt/crochet section doing a style of lace weaving I had never seen before. It's called bobbin lace and it's incredibly cool and somewhat addicting. I sat down and she gave me a short lesson, I practiced a bit and had a hard time stopping. Just what I need, another hobby involving a thread/yarn and needle/hook/bobbin... yeah, right!

Check out those bobbins! How fun.

All the veggies lined up and judged.

Quilts and afghans.

This quilt just yelled "Country Fair" too!

And Seth, on the mechanical bull. He really enjoyed getting tossed around for a few seconds... and then he was done.

*Family life. Couldn't ask for better times with my men right now. I am blessed.

*Garden full and overflowing. Hoping that doesn't stop any time soon. It was quite cool this morning (low 50s) so, things will slow down soon, sadly.

*Some energy for yard work... maybe next week! Do you like my qualifier: some? Part of me is just done, part of me is ready to roll. It is SO September around here, but alas, there are a few weed patches that look like they've been missing me...

*Fun new projects for fall. Finally made some time to go check out a new fabric/quilting store here in Walla Walla this week. It is fabulous and amazing, I tell you. Makes all those "name brand" craft stores look, well, name brand. So full of color and texture and joy. Yes, joy, I tell you. Time to get the ancient Bernina serviced and ready to roll. Vroom. I am going to sign up for an aplique class in a few weeks... hopefully the first of many I'll take there.

*Good friends, spontaneous coffees, good catch ups on the phone or facebook (or skype, dear C). Even an errant booty-call or two from my iphone (sorry, Jen). I so appreciate my friends and all they add to my life.
Life is good, friends. Which is not to say, of course, that I'm oblivious to the hurt and pain and sorrow that exists in this world. I'm not. I am simply grateful for the many actions and attributes--family, love, support, faith, prayer--that counteract those hurts and pains and sorrows. And believe strongly in the ability of each of us to alter someone else's life each day with a kind word or a smile. Wouldn't the world be a drastically different place if we went out each day with that perspective?
Here's a quote that stood out to me this week, which echoes that thought. Not a new one, but one that bears repeating. Often.
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. --Leo Buscaglia
Happy weekend! Try not to labor too much...


  1. You know I always enjoy your Friday night posts, and I loved this one lots. First, no apology needed for the "booty call"--once I realized I hadn't MISSED you, I got a good laugh.

    Also, I love the Buscaglia quote. Reminds me of another favorite: "To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world." I think of how many times a friend or acquaintance has really made a difference in my life, even just for a moment, and agree that the world could benefit from us all having a slight shift in the way we choose to treat others.

    Happy weekend, friend! xoxo

  2. I always love your grateful moments!

  3. Sweet, beautiful post, Sher. So well said, make that written. You live it, even more sweet to witness.

    Great fair photos too. I didn't go, but now I feel like I did!
