
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tuesday Table Topics #7: One fruit forever

Today's question: If you could only eat one fruit for the rest of your life, what would it be?

This is a rather cruel question. Fruit ranks so high on my list of favorite things to eat, period. The thought that I would have to narrow it down is just plain sad. Horrifying. So we'll all just be happy that this is one dream I'll wake up from, and give the best answer I can in the meantime, which is: blueberries.

I know, this may be shocking to some of you. After all, I have done nothing but profess a great love for all things fig. And that love still exists. It is pure and passionate and I have four flats of figs in my fridge right now. Yes, right now! This very second. Can't you just feel the fig excitement?

However, (and can't you tell a great deal of thought has gone into this?) when thinking about the usefulness of the fig over time, I can't help but feel that it pales next to the blueberry. Blueberries are fabulous fresh, but they are also able to withstand baking and cooking in many forms. There would be blueberry cobbler, blueberry muffins, blueberry pancakes, blueberry buckle, blueberry jam and blueberries in salads and over cereal... the uses are really quite endless. And while all the same things I just rhapsodized re: blueberries could be said for raspberries as well, there is just somethin' somethin' about the blueberry that speaks to my little berry soul.

As luck would have it, the house is currently devoid of any blueberry happiness. We scarfed the last of a bunch after supper night before last, and I have yet to wend my way out to Klickers again. But it will happen very soon, as blueberry season is too short, and my love is way big.

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