
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Thursday 13: 13 favorite ipod apps

It's been a couple of months since my iphone and I were so thoughtfully brought together by my brother and his lack of love for the little appliance. (Thank you, Shelby!) I have had a few moments of frustration (the small dead zone in my kitchen, of all places), but by and large my love for the little gem has grown steadily.

Apps are a big part of the love, so I thought I'd share my 13 favorites. This is a pretty fluid groove, so what's favorite this week could get bumped down next week (a la the NYT bestseller list).

1. Lose it. I had this baby on my itouch prior to the iphone, and it helped me lose 10 pounds this spring. Really. It wasn't me, it was the app. I haven't really used this app on my iphone much, since all the good info is on what is now Seth's itouch, but I still stand by the app and what it can do, and after this week of vacation, I might just need to haul it out again!

2. Pandora. Almost negates the need for itunes. Almost.

3. Facebook. Not the same as the real deal, but if you're away from the laptop it will do in a pinch.
4. Faceoff. If you're shallow like me (and you know you are), this is one hoot of a time-killer. Celebrity faces come up in duos, you pick who's most famous. Keeps you coming back, over and over... even if you don't know who some of the people are!
5. Offender Locator. OK, the opposite of shallow--this one connects with local law enforcement and tells you where the nearest registered sex offendors live (you put in your zip code). A good thing to know, even though you don't want to know...

6. Fandango. Handy to know what movies are playing where and when.

7. To Do. A great little list maker.

8. Eight Glasses a Day. A great reminder to get those fluids imbibed... now ask me how well I've done with that one?! But just having it on my iphone is a great reminder.

9. Gratitude. A fun daily journal for recording grateful moments. Right up my alley.
10. Kindle. Oh yes, everything that's on my Kindle is now on my iphone. No excuse for ever NOT reading! I have the Amazon app too... but that's just another way to shop... not that there's anything wrong with that!
11. Eating Well. Recipes, lists, menu ideas... and great food photography. Ah. Makes me hungry to browse, but at least this site is healthy. I also have Epicurious and Allrecipes, but Eating Well is my fave.

12. Camera Zoom. The camera on the iphone doesn't have the ability to zoom... until now. I just downloaded this one, and it looks like it will be a happy addition. See my examples below.

13. ABCnews. I also get the headlines from the NYTimes and USAToday, but I go to ABC first.

I have a feeling I've just scratched the surface of apps so far, and this is a wee sampling of what I have found and downloaded... but for now, these ones rule. I would love to know if you love some I haven't yet discovered!

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  1. Mine: twitterific, Facebook, Google (reader, search, everything!), AroundMe, NPR Addict, HuffPost, Scrabble, Wurdle, OpenTable.

    I love that you spent 99 cents on that trashy Faceoff app! Is it any wonder we're friends? ;)

  2. I can't do without a book in hand all the time either. I don't know what I did without an itouch.

  3. lovely :D never thought i'd come across an interest like this :D

    The unchanging principle

  4. Neat choices!
    Have a great Thursday!

  5. sigh...I so want an iPhone!!!

  6. Had no idea you could get Kindle on the iphone. Wonder if it's also available on itouch? My son got one for his birthday, and I'm thinking I need one, too!

  7. Thirteen excellent reasons why I don't need one of these gadgets, LOL.

    Have a great weekend!

  8. Hmmm, suddenly I'm feeling the need for a drastic phone upgrade.

  9. Zoom for theiPhone Camera... that's sweet!

  10. Wow... and to think that these things were at one time just telephones... and before that none existed! I am old enough to remember the days of single telephone families with party lines where families shared a number and had to take turns making and receiving calls. I love technology - it's amazing! Sounds like you've created the perfect collection of apps for you!
