
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thursday 13: 13 favorite new sites I like

I sometimes mention the websites/blogs I frequent daily... or at least every other day or two or three. And at the very least, you can see them in my blogroll over to the right. There's always Jen's blog, of course (my original inspiration, in addition to the now mellowing Goerlitz Family Commentary, in getting this whole blog thing going), and The Gift, and through her I discovered noodleroux, whom I adore, as well as a few other joyous nuggets. It's like a snowball effect--one blog brings you other blogs, who bring you other blogs, and so on.

This week I thought I'd show a few recently discovered gems from a variety of of blog/website genres... crafts, gardening, food, and just plain old sharing what's up in their world. Take a browse around and see if any hook you.

In no particular order...

1. LaDue&Crew. A fun recent discovery, I think she's on both the blogroll at both noodleroux and The Gift--lots of good food ideas!

2. Mighty Girl. Lots of fun things to look at here! Kind of a funky online magazine.

3. Simply Breakfast. How cool is this--to record your breakfast every day. And make it different. My breakfast blog would be really really boring... same shake, day in, day out.

4. Craftynest. Fabulous craft ideas. It's the how-to pictures that set this blog apart. Makes you think YOU could actually do some of the projects!

5. Milk, Eggs, Chocolate. More food. Done well.

6. Poppytalk. Canadian. Handmade. Design. Need I say more?

7. Sugarloop. A New Zealander with a passion for print. Completely inspiring to me.

8. Life as I see it. I discovered this one through Thursday 13. I want to look around more, but I like what I've read so far!

9. Don't Look Now. So colorful and crafty. I want to sew like that! (In my dreams...)

10. My Tiny Plot. A gardener in the UK. Good photography, great to see her garden grow!

11. Wide Open Spaces. The tagline is: finding beauty in the basics. I like her style!

12. Craftgawker. An aggregate, like foodgawker or tastespotting, but for the crafty types. As if I don't have more ideas than ambition in a day already? Yikes. But so fun to browse.

13. Tartelette. This one is listed in the Top 50 food blogs by the Times UK, and I was immediately taken with the amazing food photography on this site. Just breathtaking... I think I first discovered Tartelette on foodgawker.

And I have to throw in one I found just today when I was looking for a good link to directions for the balsamic reduction: Good Things Catered. Her tagline is: Recipes from a casual cook turned professional caterer and back again. Hello? I think I will love her. I haven't looked around a lot but plan on doing so soon!

If you've got a favorite, I'd love to hear about it! Sharing is good.

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  1. interesting and believe I learned a few new things

  2. Thanks. It's fun to learn about new sites to visit. Happy TT!

  3. I just added My Tiny Plot to my Google Reader, what a neat blog. Thanks for sharing your favorites with us!

  4. I just discovered Jill's (Life as I See it) last week myself. It is a nice blog! Will have to check out the craft and garden ones you mentioned!

    Thanks for visiting!

  5. Thanks for the shout out and I love your blog too. Thank goodness Kim got us together.

    I'll have to check out the new finds! It's always so fun to find new blog treasures.


  6. Great list! I'll have to check some of these out.

    Happy TT!

  7. I love hearing about new sites. Thanks for the list!

  8. Great list! I checked the breakfast blog. Now I need to get me some grits, LOL!

  9. You are so sweet!! Thank you so much for the shout out. I really hope you like it. I try to make things easy. :)
