
Thursday, July 30, 2009

Thursday 13: 13 reasons I love summer

We are well and truly in the midst of summer. And it does seem to be racing by. While fall is my favorite season, I have come to love summers here in Walla Walla. Ironically, for all the heat this area is known for, this week we've had lower temperatures than our oven-baked friends on the other side of the state... (I had to add the Thursday Thirteen graphic for this week--it just seemed so appropriate for my list!)

But for me, here are the best things of summer:
1. The never-ending parade of fresh fruits and vegetables. I picked peppers and cucumbers and zucchini from the garden tonight, and popped cherry tomatoes by the handful as I was wandering through. For supper: a roasted vegetable and pesto taco... it was amazing.

2. Early morning sunshine. I love having it light so early in the morning. I've somehow turned into a morning person and my best energy is from 6-10 a.m. Go figure.

3. Later evening sunsets. The sunsets have been gorgeous and red this week, very full of harvest dust. Of course, by the time I run for my camera, it's gone. Poof.

4. Flowers. The zinnias are growing, the snaps are blooming, the butterfly bush is doing its thing and lavendar is getting ready for its second go-around. I really enjoy all the color and texture of summer flowers and am plotting a cutting garden for next summer...
5. Sprinklers. I love water and how it cools and sprays.

6. Ice cream. Sorbet. Gelato. Popsicles. Fudge bars. Whatever's cool and sweet, it's summer!

7. Basil. This ingredient deserves a number all to itself. I can't get enough.

8. Ever-changing tan lines. I noticed I need to sun my feet today... the little line around my ankle from socks and shoes while working in the yard is kind of obvious... I need some just "lyin' around" time.

9. Pedicures. Yes, you can get these year round, but they are best in the summer when sandles and flip flops rule. If you can't flaunt the pretty toes, it seems a shame. I indulged myself today during the worst heat of the day and it felt positively posh. (Try not to notice that my feet are already dirty again... my goodness, those piggies just can't stay out of the dirt, can they?)

10. Summer reading. Why is it you can get away with fluffier reading in the summer? You just can, or at least I can. I've been indulging in all kinds of audio fluff while working in the yard and it's wonderful! It's my equivalent of a "beach read."

11. The aromas of summer. From the first harvests of the Walla Walla Sweet Onions (makes the fields smell like sour cream and onion chips!) to freshly mowed grass or alfalfa, to some of the beautifully scented flowers (love my mock orange, see above), I love inhaling them all. Even the dirt smells better in the summer!

12. Air conditioning. I may like the warmth, but I'm not stupid. I love my AC, whether in the house or the car.

13. Extra time with the boy(s). This really is my No. 1 favorite thing about summer. The young man and I get extra time together, and then the three of us get away for family time too. Doesn't get much better than that. Routine, schmoutine. There's plenty of time for that come fall!

What are your favorite things about summer?

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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others’ comments. It’s easy, and fun!


  1. I LOVE your 13 reasons. I'm not a hot weather person but this summer has been so delightful. Cool breezes, lots of great basil and fresh mozzarella, pedicures (which I've been doing myself in fun colors), the pool, delicious fruit...bring on the sweet watermelon!


  2. Wonderful list. I love, love, love the photo of your mock orange so much that I saved it as my desktop wallpaper (I hope you don't mind).

  3. Even with the heat, summer is my favorite time of year, too. Not sure what I like best--barbecues, traveling and hanging out the family are at the top of my list.

  4. Ah, you make summer sound so wonderful! Loved it! Great photos, too!

  5. wow you make your summer wonderful and enjoy summer celebrations with your great time

  6. Your list makes me wishing it's summer here again. Have a great weekend!
