
Friday, July 24, 2009

Friday night grateful moment

It is completely silent right now... no dogs barking, no TV, no irrigation running on the alfalfa... just so peaceful and calm. So lovely, a great start to the weekend.

This week my blessings are many, as always...
*Thankful that Seth called this morning from basketball camp in Spokane. He was in need of a little mom/stepdad encouragement, which we gave him in spades. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. is a long day for the littler guys, but he's holding his own and learning as he goes. He's rooming with a buddy from his team last winter, so that's really made this camp fun for him. We can't wait to see him next Friday!

*Very grateful that Ruby seems to be responding to my "bitter barrier" spray on the drip irrigation... she's not completely "cured," but it's much, much better. Our local Home Depot isn't going to know what's up in the world, without seeing me two, maybe three times a day. (I know, I could remember all my myriad yard needs at once, but why?!)

*Grateful to have gotten my brick project done in a couple of days. Not knowing what I was getting myself into (as per usual), I had a few moments of "what if this drags on for days?" as I was just starting... Luckily it all fell into place with a little elbow grease and sweat (well, a lot of that), and many many bottles of water. And some good audiobooks. I have mentioned my gratitude for those, right? And how.

*And also grateful that after living in this hot, dry climate for 20 years (more or less), 100 degrees F doesn't feel quite as bad as it used to. And today was only 88. Positively pleasant.

*Grateful for others who see the value in assessing blessings, choosing gratitude... I went on a little blog surf and found a few examples of others with this listing penchant...
Here We Are Together from the UK; some great art examples on Getting My Feet Wet, The Haystack Needle's "things that make me happy" list, A Beautiful Truth, and many more. It was really amazing how many blogs I quickly found where the writer was talking about gratitude, whether on a regular weekly basis or just as a topic for the day.

*Grateful for old, new friends and all the inbetween friends. Sent a note to a very old friend from grades 9 and 10 in Canada who went with my on my first adventure to Australia 22 years ago. She was horrified to remember how long ago that was! Had coffee this morning with a neighbor-turning-into-new friend and enjoyed sharing stories, hearing where she's from and about her family. And had lunch with an "inbetween" friend, someone I've known for a few years and enjoy her company very much. Good times, good friends.

*Always grateful for the power of words. Here's a quote I found last weekend and really appreciate--can't remember where; if you shared it with me let me know!
"When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives means the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a gentle and tender hand. The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is a friend who cares." --Henri Nouwen

I would do well to heed those words! Oh yes.

And here's my Wordle of it, which I can't figure out how to make any bigger (Jen, help!)... so click on the picture and it will pop up bigger. I do love Wordle.

Wordle: Friendship

*Grateful for husband and all he shoulders at home and work to keep things going smoothly. As Seth says, "Yeah, but that's just who he is." True story.

*Grateful for giant blueberries now in season... massive, as it were. Size of your thumbnail. Well, my thumbnail, anyway... maybe bigger... I handed a few to husband last night while we were watching TV and he ate them, instantly said "Where did you get these?" Cuz they were just that good. Klicker's good. Worth the drive to the other end of town and back again, oh yeah.

*Grateful that I didn't forget to get tickets for the SYTYCD tour this fall. They went on presale at 10 a.m. this morning. I remembered at 11:45! Ran ran ran to my computer, clicketyclackety, voila, tickets were still available. And some decent ones, too. So come Nov. 21, Seth and I will be happily ensconced in the Comcast Arena watching the Top 10 (and Philip too, they've promised that!) do their thing. Happily.

*Most of all I'm grateful to be on this planet, at this time, knowing what I know (not much some days!), believing what I believe, loving who I love. It's a gift, and I accept it gratefully. And I'm not giving it back!

Happy weekend! Peace and joy.

1 comment:

  1. The patio looks awesome, Sher! Wow--what a project. That looks like some back-breaking, knee-killing work, for sure.
