
Friday, July 3, 2009

Friday night grateful moment

Do vacation weeks go faster than other weeks? Definitely yes. I can hardly believe we're at Friday night again so quickly...

On the list for the week:
*So grateful we were able to drag husband away from work for the week. A wonderful family time together. From ferry to mini-golf to lunches out, just the three of us, it's been really lovely.
*Grateful to spend time with my parents at their home, in their environment.
*Grateful for this amazing warmth in the Okanagan Valley. It reminds me so much of my childhood to be here, see the sunshine on the lake, the beaches full of tourists, the town full of people. While I wouldn't necessarily want to live here now, it is glorious to visit.
*Yippee for figs... the beginning of fig season brings a big grin to my face, that's for sure (ask the boys--I was a giddy fool when I discovered them in the cooler at Costco!).
*I'm grateful for all my extended Kandt family that has trekked to Grandma's 90th party. Nice to be see quite a few of the branches and twigs on this family tree. Sorry to be missing a few, but that's how it goes...
*Grateful for my mother and our walks and talks. I couldn't ask for a better mother.
*Grateful that the news from home--yard, watering, Ruby biting things--has been quiet and mostly good. I am sure there will be some dry spots that need extra sprinklering next week, and probably a couple of little drip heads to replace, but it seems to have been minimal. Whew.
*Grateful for books and all that they bring to expand my world. Have been reading the most amazing book this week, "The Last American Man" by Elizabeth Gilbert (yes, she of "Eat, Pray, Love" fame). An amazing true tale of a rare breed of individual. Seth's been reading over my shoulder occasionally as well, and it's interesting stuff.
*Grateful and thankful and joyous for the love I am able to both give and receive in this world. I couldn't be a luckier lady.

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