
Sunday, June 21, 2009

Future files: Happiest cake on earth

Imagine my delight when I found this cake:

It was featured on a blog I check in on somewhat infrequently: whatever. A very stylin' photographer gal with a crafty bent. Semi-celebrity in the blogosphere too, I do believe.

Actual. Intake. Of. Breath. (The happy kind. Not the kind I got from watching Hangover today, which was the somewhat horrified/frightened kind, at times. In between unabashed shrieks of laughter.)

Can't wait for a fun occasion to get dye all over my kitchen and make a mess. And eat it up. Whoo-hoo. Cake. And anyone who knows me knows my whacko penchant for colors, in a spectrum. Somehow haven't outgrown it. Yeah for that.

1 comment:

  1. That cake is fantastic! And I love any food that could dye my teeth fabulous colors. What's not to love?
