
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Tag, you're it!

This is the second alphabet tag-thingy I've done today. Must be all the rage with the kids these days. Anyway, it is supposed to help you know me better. But my bet is that if you're reading this, you knew all of this already... tell me if I'm wrong.

A-Attached or Single: Attached
B-Best Friend: My husband
C-Cake or Pie: Pie, probably fruity with a crumble topping and ice cream.
D-Day of Choice: Saturday
E-Essential Item: moisturizer
F-Favorite Color: green, always green
G-Greatest Accomplishment: my son, Seth
H-Hometown: Walla Walla, WA. I've been here so long, it's home.
I-Indulgences: music, clothes, food
J-January or July: July
K-Kids: Sweet 12 year old, Seth
L-Life is incomplete without: Food
M-Marriage: Yes, if that's what you want.
N-Number of Siblings: one brother in Seattle.
O-Oranges or Apples: Apples. Braeburn, Fuji or Honeycrisp
P-Phobias or fears: Everything moving by too quickly.
Q-Quotes: "Is it true that radical ideas threaten institutions and then in turn become institutions who reject radical ideas?" I'm sure it's not his, but my dad used to say that a lot when I was growing up. I like a lot of quotes, that one just came to mind quickly.
R-Reason to Smile: Thanksgiving is coming.
S-Season: Fall.
T-Tag Friends: I'm tagging everyone. I want to hear from you!
U-Unknown facts about me: I have a hard time thinking of things I haven't shared. It's making me feel like I should be more private... ha ha, that actually made me laugh. Well, chuckle anyway.
V-Very favorite store(s):, Nordstrom, iTunes store. Remember, I live in a retail desert. I have to make the most of online opportunities...
W-Worst habit: Currently, not exercising enough and eating too much cheese. I'd feel bad about it if it weren't so dang yummy.
X-X-ray or Ultra Sound: Whatever the situation calls for.
Y-Your favorite food: Too many to name. But probably more often than not it's cheese.
Z-Zodiac: Scorpio

So fill me in on you... please. Which rhymes with cheese. Have I mentioned cheese lately? I had that eggy quesadilla thing again tonight. It was even better than last night. And I took pictures, though I must say it tastes better than it looks in the picture... So post will follow.

1 comment:

  1. A-Attached or Single: Attached
    B-Best Friend: Danielle
    C-Cake or Pie: Cake, chocolate with cream cheese frosting
    D-Day of Choice: Monday...everyone back at school and the studio is closed
    E-Essential Item: lip medex
    F-Favorite Color: green, always green
    G-Greatest Accomplishment: my studio
    H-Hometown: San Jose, California
    I-Indulgences: chocolate
    J-January or July: January
    K-Kids: Nicholas-13, Hannah-10, Emily-7
    L-Life is incomplete without: Art
    M-Marriage: Yes, if that's what you want.
    N-Number of Siblings: 3 brothers (15 year old triplets)
    O-Oranges or Apples: Apples. fuji all the way
    P-Phobias or fears: plane crashing
    Q-Quotes: "I designed it that way"
    R-Reason to Smile: my life is filled with what I love
    S-Season: Fall.
    T-Tag Friends:
    U-Unknown facts about me: I am a hardcore introvert living in an extrovert's world
    V-Very favorite store(s): Target
    W-Worst habit: Not enough exercise
    X-X-ray or Ultra Sound: Whatever the situation calls for.
    Y-Your favorite food: cheesecake
    Z-Zodiac: Libra
