
Friday, November 7, 2008

Friday night grateful moment

Ah, the end of another week. This one felt quite long, for some reason... I think the time change really did a number on me this year. More than usual.

But still, much to be thankful for:

1. Can't help but notice the election is over. I'll spare my partisan friends (both sides of the aisle) any editorializing on it, other than to say, let's get going. Chop chop. Much to do.
2. Family and friends, mostly safe and sane.
3. My guys. Couldn't be more grateful for both.
4. The inspiration of color and texture. I have been energized by a friend's craft store website and blog this week; it has spawned some serious online crafty looking around.
5. Fall food. So homey and comforting. I want to curl up in a bowl of mac and cheese, please. Homemade, with 4 cheeses, at least. And I've had pumpkin soup AND butternut squash soup (will post soon) this week; what's more fall than that?
6. It's all starting to point toward that wonderful season... when can I put the tree up? Is it too soon to start making Christmas cookies?
7. Music. A couple of friends share music so graciously--lists, mixes, etc. I am inspired (again!) to stretch myself beyond my favorites.
8. And while it's much less important than any of the above, it still matters to me: Top Chef is back next week and I'm all atwitter. In NYC no less. Joy abounds.


  1. I, too, am glad the election's over. One of the post-election things I was looking forward to was a mailbox not crammed full of campaign junk mail. It didn't even cross my mind that timing-wise, they'd be replaced with Christmas catalogs. At least catalogs are more interesting to read. :)

  2. Yes---GLAD the election is over. And last night we all curled up to shells and cheese and it was very creamy and good. Ahhhhh. Friday night. That means sleeping in on Saturday. It is NOT too early for Christmas cookies. Have you ever made ameretti cookies? Good during the holidays, and very different. Uh....and...I was wondering if I can get in on some of the music mix lists?

  3. Jen--Oh yes those Xmas catalogs are coming, full tilt! The recycle bin overfloweth...

    Susan--look over in the blogroll and you'll see Walla Walla Music Mama. She is music mix-master supreme! I'll send you some of mine via email.
